Friday, April 29, 2011

Law of sin & death versus law of the mind

The law of sin and death is hereditary, and derived from the federal sinner of the race; but the law of the mind is an intellectual and moral acquisition
Elpis Israel, John Thomas, p147

"To be carnally minded is death; but to be spiritually minded is life and peace" Romans 8v6

Monday, April 18, 2011

The Hebrew Language

The Ins and Outs of the Holy Hebrew Language
Interest is growing in the 4th Annual Conference for Devotees of the Holy Tongue, to be held in Jerusalem this coming Wednesday. One of the purposes of the get-together is to encourage Torah study based on the linguistics of Hebrew. Read more>>

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Peace agreements?

Netanyahu hints of unilateral pullback again
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu once again hinted yesterday, during a meeting in Jerusalem with the Spanish crown prince, that if the deadlock in the peace process persists, Israel would take unilateral steps. Read more>>

Israel may let new flotilla reach Gaza
Israel is considering allowing the Freedom Flotilla 2, due to sail next month, to reach Gaza, to prevent a repeat of last summer’s clash between flotilla participants and Israeli forces. Read more>>

Barack Obama to launch new Mid-East push
BARACK Obama is to plunge back into Arab-Israeli politics with a new push for a peace agreement as UN pressure on Israel grows. Read more>>

Obama must broker a new Mideast peace
The “Arab Spring” that is flowering in fits and starts in most countries of the Middle East has significantly altered the geopolitical situation in the region, and is likely to have a profound effect on American interests. Read more>>

A Palestinian state by September?
Israelis are growing anxious over the international community’s renewed rush to impose a peace settlement on Israel and the Palestinian Arabs. And the world’s impatience is being fueled by Palestinian threats to unilaterally declare statehood in September, even in the absence of a final status peace deal. Read more>>

Monday, April 11, 2011

Gas in Israel

The Next Big Lebanon-Israel Flare-Up: Gas: For most countries, the existence of a massive fossil-fuel deposit within its sovereign territory would be gratefully welcomed as an economic windfall. But the delight in Israel at the recent giant gas discovery off its northern coastline is tempered by the knowledge that it could provide the spark to ignite the next war between the Jewish state and its mortal foe to the north, Lebanon's militant Shi'ite Hizballah. 

Related articles on the gas drilling in Israel
Israel Discovers Gas!: The Houston-based Noble Energy company, drilling for Israel’s Delek fuel company, announced that it has discovered a huge deposit of natural gas under the Mediterranean Sea near Haifa. Read more>>

Israel Drills Big Gas Prospect: Oil companies in Israel, led by Texas-based Noble Energy Inc. this week are expected to start drilling one of the world's most promising natural-gas prospects of recent years, according to executives. Read more>>

Lebanon asks UN to guard gas from Israeli drilling: Lebanon has asked U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon to ensure that Israel's plans to drill for gas in the Mediterranean do not encroach on its own offshore reserves, the National News Agency said on Tuesday. Read more>>

UN refuses Lebanon request to intervene in Israel gas drilling
Lebanese FM urged Ban Ki-moon to prevent Israel from exploiting Lebanon's maritime wealth, but UN spokesman says it won't demarcate border. Read more>>