Wednesday, February 27, 2013

The Two-State Solution

The two-state solution has been an ongoing idea since the 1930's - even before the State of Israel was formed in 1948.  Though the solution has had different parameters over time, the concept has remained the same - establishing coexisting states of Israel and of Palestine.  For various reasons over the years proposals have been rejected by one or multiple parties, and this solution for Middle East peace remains to be seen.  

The Bible lays out a plan for peace, not only in the Middle East, but throughout the whole world. Despite the view of many that the two-state solution is the only realistic way to bring peace to the Middle East, it is not.  It is only the coming of Jesus Christ and the establishment on God's kingdom on earth that will provide an enduring solution to this ongoing struggle between the Jews and Arabs.  

Read more about this in the online resource 
Who's Land? The Bible Answer to the Palestinian Question 

The two-state solution in the news

EU Labels Jerusalem Construction "Provocative": The European Union is targeting Jewish construction in Jerusalem, calling it “systematic, deliberate and provocative.” Read more>>
The UN's special coordinator for the Middle East peace process describes 2013 as a critical year for the two-state solution, saying Israel and the Palestinians have reached 'make or break time.' Read more>>

The history of the two-state solution 

Opinions on the two-state solution

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Israel tests missile defense

Israel successfully tests Arrow 3 missile defense:

The Ministry of Defense carried out its first successful test of the Arrow 3 missile defense interceptor on Monday morning, firing it into space from a coastal military launching pad in central Israel. Read more >>

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

The Existence of God

"Veneration, conscientiousness, faith, and hope are the highest and noblest features of the human mentality.... They lead to devotion, prayer, worship, and moral heroism. They all point to God. They have no adequate object apart from Him.... the higher faculties of the human brain prove the existence of God, as plainly as the human eye proves the existence of light."

R. Roberts, Is there a God? p.8 originally published in "Good Company"