Thursday, February 10, 2011

A Sound Mind

For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind" 
2 Timothy 1v7

"A mind sober and self-controlled, sound because it is disciplined, is the substance of Paul's idea...

A mind is sound when it is humbled an brought into subjection by being centred on One outside itself...

"Doctrine" (2 Timothy 1v8-9, 1 Timothy 1v9-10) has first and foremost a moral significance and we miss its meaning entirely if we make it primarily a theological term.  At the same time the teaching was in no sense a mere code of moral precepts: it was teaching of the fact of the risen Christ in whom is God's salvation which imposed a new discipline on life.  When under that discipline men and women develop self-control in every aspect and function of living, they are "of a sound mind". "

Extracts from A Sound Mind L.G. Sargent pp9-13

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