Saturday, May 7, 2011

Deity Names Defined

  1. A'don: Lord, Sovereign Ruler.
  2. Ado'nai: Lords; plural of Adon.
  3. Ado'nai-Yah'weh: Lords of Him who shall be: therefore he is "Lord of Lords".
  4. Ail: Strength, or Power.  The One Supreme Omnipotent Spirit-Power of the Universe, dwelling in unapproachable light.
  5. Ail-Shaddai': The Strength of the Mighty Ones.
  6. Eh'yeh: same as Yahweh or Jehovah.
  7. Eh'yeh Ash'er Eh'yeh: "I am that I am," Exodus 3.14; correctly rendered, "I will be who I will be;" i.e. God manifested in flesh.
  8. Elah': The Chaldee for Eloah.
  9. Elo'ah: A Mighty One, a member of "the heavenly host".
  10. El'ohim: plural of Eloah.
  11. Imma-nu-ail: God with us; Holy Spirit nature, or God veiled.
  12. Joshua (or Jesus): Called Jehoshua and Oshea, Numb. 13.16, Acts 7.45, Heb. 4.8, is composed of Jah (Jehovah), and Oshea; a Savior, the God-Saviour.
  13. Kurios: Lord; the Greek word for Adon.
  14. Lo'gos: The Word, God manifested in Jesus Anointed. John 1.1.
  15. Malahch': One sent, a Messenger; frequently rendered, angel.
  16. Shaddai': Mighty or Powerful Ones.
  17. The'os: The Almighty Disposer and Former of all things; the Eternal Spirit; the Greek equivalent of Ail.
  18. Tzoor: Rock; a metaphor for strength.
  19. Yah: An abbreviated form of Yahweh....
  20. Yah'weh: He who shall be:....
  21. Yah'weh-El'ohim: He who shall be Mighty Ones.
  22. Yahweh-Tz'va'oth: He who shall be hosts.
  23. Yehohvih': same as Yahweh.
Excerpt from 'Names and Titles of the Deity.'  W.H. Boulton pp.118-119

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