Thursday, June 16, 2011

Iran, Russia, China and the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO)

China and allies back Russia against U.S. missile shield: Russia won the backing of China and other members of a regional security body in criticizing U.S. plans for a missile shield, saying on Wednesday it could undermine global security.

"The Russian bear sits in its lair, and the NATO huntsman comes over to his house and asks him to come hunt the rabbit. .... Why do your rifles have the caliber to hunt the bear, not the rabbit?" Russia's NATO envoy Dmitry Rogozin said at a panel talk at London's Royal United Services Institute think-tank. Read more>>

Ahmadinejad's New Friends: The leader of nuke-bound Iran joins Russian and Chinese counterparts at a meeting of a group formed to rival NATO. No wonder Moscow resists U.S. missile defense. Read more>>

Russia, China warn West against Arab interference: Russia and China oppose outside interference in the unrest in the Arab world, the two presidents said on Thursday in a declaration, as the West seeks their support for increasing pressure on Syria. Read more>>

Russia, China defend Iran's right to nuclear power: Russia and China defended Iran and North Korea's rights to peaceful nuclear power on Thursday. Read more>>

Russia has no plan to reconsider relations with Iran: Moscow has no plan to reconsider its stance on Iran in order to please the U.S. and NATO, Russian Deputy Defense Minister Anatoly Antonov said Tuesday. Read more>>

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