Tuesday, July 12, 2011


Baptism is a demonstration on the part of the believer that the flesh profits nothing, and that its desires must be denied, or modified, in accordance with the will of God.  He comes to the waters of baptism with a consciousness of sins enlivened in him by his knowledge of God’s will and purpose; he passes under the water and his past sins are “covered over”, “washed away” or forgive; he rises therefrom a new creature in Christ Jesus; he commences a new life with the realisation that he can through the Lord, derive strength to conquer (Philippians 4:13), and that he has access to the Father for the forgiveness of sins.  He now lives in communion with God, and in constant awareness of Him.

Taken from a pamphlet produced by the Christadelphians 'Baptism: essential to salvation'

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