Thursday, June 20, 2013

The Eternal Sin

Mark 3v29 "but whoever blasphemes against the Holy Spirit never has forgiveness, but is guilty of an eternal sin"  (E.S.V.)

A somewhat perplexing statement, to know that there is an 'eternal sin', one which 'never has forgiveness'.  

The context is paramount to understanding this statement by Christ in Mark 3.  The Scribes have just accused Jesus of casting out demons (healing) in the name of Beelzebul, prince of the demons.  It is Jesus' reply to this accusation that ends with this statement.  

Jesus healed many by the power of the holy spirit.  The holy spirit was given to him by God.  The Scribes in their accusations attribute God's holy spirit and its healing power to Beelzebul.  In effect, they condemn themselves, choosing not to recognise the healing power of God. 

Forgiveness can only be given to those who recognise the need to be forgiven, and recognise that it is only through God's healing power that this can happen.

Saturday, March 9, 2013

AIPAC 2013 Policy Conference

American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) is a lobby whose stated mission is to "strengthen the ties between the United States and its ally Israel to the mutual benefit of both nations".  This week they held their annual policy conference, where speakers included U.S. Vice President Joe Biden and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

AIPAC website: Interesting to look over, includes pages on ' Why Israel Matters', 'Israel and the U.S.', 'Issues'. Read more>>

Watch the speeches from the conference: Speeches at the conference included Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu, U.S. Vice President Joe Biden, Israeli Minister of Defence Ehud Barak, and U.S. House Majority Leader Eric Cantor. View speeches here>>

News Articles

AIPAC Policy Conference OpensThe American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) began its annual policy conference this morning with an appearance by Israel’s ambassador, Michael Oren, and a panel with former Middle East adviser Dennis Ross and former deputy national security adviser Elliott Abrams. Both were interviewed by former CNN anchor Frank Sesno. Read more>>

AIPAC Conference 2013: U.S., Israeli Policies Towards Iran Differ: The annual American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) Policy Conference seems to be one of the few events that see bipartisan support in Washington. This alone is a sign of the major role it plays in America’s foreign policy. But for all its power, it is not the sole driver of U.S.-Israel relations. Speaking in the stead of President Barack Obama, Vice President Joe Biden’s address to AIPAC highlights the difference between American and Israeli hawks. Read more>>

PM to AIPAC: Israel can't wait much longer on IranNetanyahu vows he will never "let my people live in the shadow of annihilation," says Israel has waited years for sanctions to work. Read more>>

At AIPAC, Pledges of 'No Daylight', But Worries About The GapsVP Biden and others vow unyielding support for Israel, but would U.S. take military action against Iran? Read more>>

Friday, March 1, 2013

Israel-Turkey Relations

Israel And Turkey Make Nice: 26 Feb 2013Israel has agreed to deliver (after a three year delay) $25 million of electronics needed to complete four Turkish AWACS (Airborne Warning and Control) aircraft. The delay was caused by increasing hostility between the Islamic politicians in Turkey and Israel. This led to a sharp decline in Israeli military equipment sales to Turkey. Read more>> 

Israel 'seeks to repair ties with Turkey': 27 Feb 2013 - Israel is reported to have sent messages to the Turkish government in recent days saying it's interested in restoring "a more positive dynamic" in badly strained relations with its onetime strategic ally. Read more>>

Turkish PM Labels Zionism ‘Crime Against Humanity’ at UN Event: 28 Feb 2013 - Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan has once again verbally attacked Israel in a public forum, this time at a United Nations conference in Vienna. Read more>>

Israel, Turkey row over Zionism deepens rift between ex-allies: 28 Feb 2013Israel's prime minister accused his Turkish counterpart on Thursday of making "dark and false" statements by calling Zionism a crime against humanity - comments likely to hit efforts to repair ties between the two former allies. Read more>>

Netanyahu Condemns Erdogan's Statements on Zionism: 1 March 2013 - Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu sharply condemned on Thursday evening Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan's statement about Zionism and its comparison to fascism.  Read more>>

U.S. Finds Erdogan Comments on Zionism ‘Offensive,’ Official Says1 March 2013 - Secretary of State John Kerry said on Friday the United States found a comment by Turkey's prime minister, likening Zionism to crimes against humanity, "objectionable", overshadowing their talks on the crisis in neighboring Syria. Read more>>

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

The Two-State Solution

The two-state solution has been an ongoing idea since the 1930's - even before the State of Israel was formed in 1948.  Though the solution has had different parameters over time, the concept has remained the same - establishing coexisting states of Israel and of Palestine.  For various reasons over the years proposals have been rejected by one or multiple parties, and this solution for Middle East peace remains to be seen.  

The Bible lays out a plan for peace, not only in the Middle East, but throughout the whole world. Despite the view of many that the two-state solution is the only realistic way to bring peace to the Middle East, it is not.  It is only the coming of Jesus Christ and the establishment on God's kingdom on earth that will provide an enduring solution to this ongoing struggle between the Jews and Arabs.  

Read more about this in the online resource 
Who's Land? The Bible Answer to the Palestinian Question 

The two-state solution in the news

EU Labels Jerusalem Construction "Provocative": The European Union is targeting Jewish construction in Jerusalem, calling it “systematic, deliberate and provocative.” Read more>>
The UN's special coordinator for the Middle East peace process describes 2013 as a critical year for the two-state solution, saying Israel and the Palestinians have reached 'make or break time.' Read more>>

The history of the two-state solution 

Opinions on the two-state solution

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Israel tests missile defense

Israel successfully tests Arrow 3 missile defense:

The Ministry of Defense carried out its first successful test of the Arrow 3 missile defense interceptor on Monday morning, firing it into space from a coastal military launching pad in central Israel. Read more >>

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

The Existence of God

"Veneration, conscientiousness, faith, and hope are the highest and noblest features of the human mentality.... They lead to devotion, prayer, worship, and moral heroism. They all point to God. They have no adequate object apart from Him.... the higher faculties of the human brain prove the existence of God, as plainly as the human eye proves the existence of light."

R. Roberts, Is there a God? p.8 originally published in "Good Company"