Saturday, March 9, 2013

AIPAC 2013 Policy Conference

American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) is a lobby whose stated mission is to "strengthen the ties between the United States and its ally Israel to the mutual benefit of both nations".  This week they held their annual policy conference, where speakers included U.S. Vice President Joe Biden and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

AIPAC website: Interesting to look over, includes pages on ' Why Israel Matters', 'Israel and the U.S.', 'Issues'. Read more>>

Watch the speeches from the conference: Speeches at the conference included Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu, U.S. Vice President Joe Biden, Israeli Minister of Defence Ehud Barak, and U.S. House Majority Leader Eric Cantor. View speeches here>>

News Articles

AIPAC Policy Conference OpensThe American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) began its annual policy conference this morning with an appearance by Israel’s ambassador, Michael Oren, and a panel with former Middle East adviser Dennis Ross and former deputy national security adviser Elliott Abrams. Both were interviewed by former CNN anchor Frank Sesno. Read more>>

AIPAC Conference 2013: U.S., Israeli Policies Towards Iran Differ: The annual American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) Policy Conference seems to be one of the few events that see bipartisan support in Washington. This alone is a sign of the major role it plays in America’s foreign policy. But for all its power, it is not the sole driver of U.S.-Israel relations. Speaking in the stead of President Barack Obama, Vice President Joe Biden’s address to AIPAC highlights the difference between American and Israeli hawks. Read more>>

PM to AIPAC: Israel can't wait much longer on IranNetanyahu vows he will never "let my people live in the shadow of annihilation," says Israel has waited years for sanctions to work. Read more>>

At AIPAC, Pledges of 'No Daylight', But Worries About The GapsVP Biden and others vow unyielding support for Israel, but would U.S. take military action against Iran? Read more>>

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